Fully-Fluid™: Word Game Ad Template with Wheel Developed w/Playin

By Elisa Rivero

Ad of the week for July 16, 2023: Engage, interact, and enjoy with the Fully-Fluid Word Wheel Game Ad!


Welcome to the world of interactive advertising! Today, we are excited to introduce our groundbreaking product, the Fully-Fluid Word Wheel Game Ad, developed in collaboration between Responsiveads and our esteemed partner, Playin. This innovative ad format combines captivating gameplay, stunning design backgrounds, and extensive localization capabilities to create an unforgettable user experience in a display ad. The highlights of this template include:

  • Up to six unique design backgrounds with each word that add visual appeal and captivate users from the moment they encounter your ad.
  • Gain Interactions and Boost Brand Marketing: The Word Wheel Game Ad encourages users to spin the wheel, form words, and test their skills. This hands-on approach not only entertains but also creates an active and memorable brand experience, leading to increased engagement and brand awareness.
  • Extensive Localization in Over 200 Languages
  • Full-Bleed Display for Maximum Impact Seize: The Fully-Fluid Word Wheel Game Ad expands to 100% screen size on all devices, immersing users in a visually stunning and engaging environment. 
  • End Card Flexibility for Greater Conversions: Whether it’s displaying coupons, offers, data capture forms, rewards, or standard calls-to-action, this versatile feature allows you to drive conversions, capture valuable user data, and guide users seamlessly to the next step of their customer journey.


The Fully-Fluid Word Wheel Game Ad is a powerful tool in the hands of brands seeking to engage, interact, and localize their message. Developed by Responsiveads in partnership with Playin, this innovative ad format combines captivating design backgrounds, interactive gameplay, extensive localization capabilities, full-bleed display, and flexible end cards to create a memorable and effective advertising experience.

Ready to take your brand marketing to the next level? Contact us today to explore how the Fully-Fluid Word Wheel Game Ad can elevate your digital advertising strategy and captivate your audience.

Check out our demo now!

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