
Natural Time To Rethink The Banner?

In a great article in the Mediapost,  they highlight some great points around the banner. 1) Think beyond creative Changing creative standards time and again is not enough, no matter how rich the media is. Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Over the years, we have gone

New York Times can reinvent its future, The Story-Telling of Snow Fall

“Blame my enteprenurial tendencies, but when I was experiencing Snow Fall, all I could see was stunning brand-advertising opportunities, that went beyond the dumb, commoditized advertising the Times is forced to put on its website. Why not embed a tasteful Land Rover ad or throw in one for Moncler? That is native advertising that actually

Responsive ad campaign for George by Asda…Responsive to Weather

ResponsiveAd‘s insight: When we think of Responsive Ads,  we do not think of them as only responsive to the device size and shape as in Responsive Web Design, but responsive to the context of places, things and times around you.  Weather just happens to be one of those things that gets very interesting when we

The Minneapolis Star Tribune goes Programmatic… is it working?

The Minneapolis newspaper is a publisher that has embraced the world of automated ad buying. ResponsiveDaily‘s insight: This seems to be the growing trend for publishers that can not maintain their ad sales teams.  They have found a balance and leveraged the private marketplace to do so. “Programmatic for me becomes a way for me

MediaShift Idea Lab: Why Media Sites Should Adopt Responsive Design

We were mentioned in this article…. DOES RESPONSIVE DESIGN AFFECT ONLINE AD INVENTORY? Yes. More screen sizes mean more ad sizes, which means you could have more ad inventory to fill. Ad Networks such as are taking the lead by encouraging sites to sell their ad inventory in packages that include the full spectrum of mobile

Is Native Advertising Blurring the Line Between Content and Advertising?

On March 26, Paul Adams (@Padday), global head of brand design at Facebook, sent out this tweet: There is no difference between content and advertising. Advertising IS content. Some of it is great, some of it isn't. That's it. — Paul Adams (@Padday) March 26, 2013 This post triggered a controversial discussion on Twitter over

Should Publishers Implement Facebook Exchange?

While the majority of advertisers still have not used FBX, the social network’s real-time bidding exchange for serving retargeted ads, data shows Facebook is taking an ever-greater share of these impressions. See on Facebook Exchange (FBX), the real-time bidding platform that launched in 2012, partners with retargeting companies such as AdRoll to let advertisers

Why is ResponsiveAds the Answer for Native Advertising?

For most — including the Atlantic, Politico, Gannett and others — it’s about fitting the ad into the site experience. ResponsiveAds‘ insight: What is native advertising, and what does it mean for publishers? Digiday recently asked publishers for their definitions of “native advertising.” Answers ranged from – it’s still being defined to creating an advertising