Responsiveads is live (12/12/12)
By Elisa Rivero
History of ResponsiveAds
12/12/2012 was an exciting day for us! We have been working on this for over 1 year together with the dream of creating a unique framework for advertising and the converging web. We set our goal to have it all ready for SXSW 2012, and we made it!
We both has spent quite a lot of time in mobile and advertising, and at same time Responsive Web Design emerged we got very excited that it matched our vision of the future of convergence. We found this picture – (c)QT Luong,, and it kind of described what we had been thinking…
The Fluid Grid for at lease 4 major screen types ( another big one is coming soon….digital signage) that we decided to call the Responsive Ad Framework Technology – RAFT ™. It is quite serendipitous as many have been calling “Responsive Web Design” like designing in the mind-set of “Water”. Also, in the picture the guy steering, Mr. Mobile ( Mobile First- Thanks…. Luke Wrobelwski). The guy up front Mr. Desktop as he has lead the way for many Marketers to date with interactive strategies, and now Mr. Tablet sitting on his side, with Mr. Netbook looking sideways…..
Developing an Ad platform to work with Responsive Web Designed sites is no easy task. As there are a lot of moving parts with new trends, technologies and business models, we tried to look at what is the right direction for ad delivery for the next wave and build a system from the ground-up. We wanted to be able to work with the existing Ad Ops team by offing a package that was compatible with existing strategies. Launching a new product is always tricky as you want to have the right “backward compatibility” with the market, yet bring in fresh new methods to take customers and partners further ahead and profitable. We see publishers, advertisers, agencies, ad networks, ad servers, affiliate marketplaces all partners with this Framework.
We decided to launch as Private Beta so that we can refine the product and business model to incorporate the feedback from the community first before going fully live. This way the Free product can grow with the input from the web publishing community in a organic way.
We want to thank those that supported us along the way, and we are always open for suggestions!
Warm Regards,
Matthew Snyder, CEO, ResponsiveAds
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