New York Times can reinvent its future, The Story-Telling of Snow Fall
By Elisa Rivero
“Blame my enteprenurial tendencies, but when I was experiencing Snow Fall, all I could see was stunning brand-advertising opportunities, that went beyond the dumb, commoditized advertising the Times is forced to put on its website. Why not embed a tasteful Land Rover ad or throw in one for Moncler? That is native advertising that actually allows organziations like the Times to live by their ethos and maintain the fidelity of their brand”- Om Malik
ResponsiveAds comments:
We really see this as an example of where the premium publishers could go to create these holistic story-telling experiences that embed everything in a “native” way. From content to advertorial to brand integration… I expect will will see this evolve with conversations and continuing community engagement as the stories progress.An interesting platform that takes this to a softer more scalable level on a technology side is Circa. It makes it easy for a community to build around a story.
This is the new shift in premium.
See on gigaom.com
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