As Developers say open standards will win for HTML5 apps….so we launched Responsive App Canvas(TM)

By Elisa Rivero

See on Scoop.itResponsive Advertising

Clearly, everyone and their dog is thinking mobile first these days. But what’s more interesting in the survey is that the majority of developers aren’t looking to iOS or Android to do so.

ResponsiveDaily‘s insight:
Wouldn’t be great that any HTML5 App could now be embedded into an ad so that users can interact in real-time, anyplace, anytime….  Well we launched Responsive App Canvas so that the world of creative developers can start to work deeper with brands and agency on creating more and more “magical” experiences with cross-screen advertising.

Since we launched earlier this week ( we have seen some exciting applications start to get embedded into our STRETCH Ad unit.

Why should you have to click on the ad, then click to download and wait several minutes to experience an app.  We make is so that you do not need to even click-to-download  to start interacting…. you are just there in the app.  In some ways this can become a powerful alert mechanism that can be blended with a “native ad” or even part of a POEM ( Paid, Owned or Earned Media) strategy combined seamlessly.

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