[ 03/23/12 Friday Round-up #2 ] Favorite #RWD Articles and News
By Elisa Rivero
I have found it useful for myself and the team to put together articles that we found useful and practical for the week. This way we can not only share it amongst ourselves but with our community. This will have two sections:
1) Geared toward news, blogs and articles and
2) A reference of some of the major mobile web sites that were launched by the press for the week. We are very interested in looking at the trend toward Responsive Web Design
Favorite Articles ( week 3/16~3/23)
A Beginners guide to mobile responsive design
- An example of a comparison to John Elway of the Denver Broncos, 1998“Most football experts would say it is his ability to “audible” or adapt, no matter what circumstance he finds his team in. When Manning lines up behind his center and sees that his offense will work best spread wide, he’ll adapt the play. If he sees that the defense is giving him a smaller area in the middle of the field he’ll adapt the play.”
- The first is optimizing the layout of the content.
- The second is to adapt the content that is shown.
- Mobile responsive design takes care of this all “on the fly”, and without multiple versions of your site to maintain.
- Mobile Responsive Design is the Future of the Web
9 Useful FREE PDF Ebooks about Responsive Web Design
- What we see is that 50% or more of the discussion and books is really geared toward mobile.
Useful Tip : Designing Tables in Responsive Web Design
The Implications Of The “Resolutionary” iPad For Web Developers
- Rumours say that the future HTML will be more adaptive and support “responsive web design”. A responsive website is made up of three categories: a flexible grid, flexible images and media, and media queries. However, even Apple has to take a cautious approach to adapting its official website for the new iPad owners. As Apple Insider noticed a few days ago, Apple is replacing the images gradually so at least the iPad section will be able to display high resolution images.
Pharmaceutical Marketing Still Lacking in Responsive Web Design
- Only one of the top ten pharmaceutical companies has a mobile-optimized website. This means the company has effectively designed its navigation and content to be easily displayed on mobile devices. The leading pharma company’s content also varies between its mobile-optimized site and desktop site, with key messages and actions well defined on the mobile version and additional information – like patient videos – available on the desktop version.
- The issue is core to keeping the content to abide by regulations
How to Prevent a Web Design Shelf Life
Why is Responsive Web Design Such A Big Deal? Seriously…You Tell Me
Responsive Web Design missing the point
- His article is really great as it talks about not just a couple screens but all of them! The Web is everywhere.
- Great picture of the future configuration!
Don’t Let grids rule your life!
- Very timely article given the release of ipad3
10+Testing Tools for Responsive Web Design
Creative Fuel #2; Letter-cutting Preisdential Logos, Responsive Design & Chat UI.
Mobile Website launches from the Press ( week 3/7~3/16)
Percentage of Mobile Sites going Responsive for the Week: 2/10 ( 20%)
Locksmith St. Louis Launches Mobile Website Locksmith http://StLouis.mobi ( not responsive)
Cumberland Kia Launches New Mobile Website http://cumberlandkia.com ( not responsive)
The Culinary Institute of America Launches Cutting Edge Mobile Website http:// www.ciachef.mobi ( not responsive)
BrightStarr Launch Responsive Multi-Channel Sharepoint 2010 Website to Meet Mobile Demands http:// www.brightstarr.com ( Responsive)
City of Alexandria Launches Mobile Website http://alexandriava.gov/ ( not responsive)
TheKnot.com Introduces Mobile Website for Easy Wedding Planning on the Go
http://m.TheKnot.com ( not responsive)
RacerOil.com Unveils New Mobile Website for Champion Performance Lubricants http://www.RacerOil.com ( not responsive)
CareersinGear.com Launches Mobile-Optimized Website with Easy Job Search
http://CareersinGear.com ( responsive)
Pressroom West Boosts Mobile Presence for Medical Spa. http://www.laseraway.net/ (not responsive)
Mountain Weather Goes Mobile http://mountainweather.com ( not responsive)
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