Chrome Heavy & High-Impact Display Ads
By Elisa Rivero
Google has recently made an announcement that they will be launching the HEAVY ADS initiative at the end of August. There has been a flurry of coverage and many publishers have been caught off guard.
At ResponsiveAds we look to enable the design and delivery of the best performing fluid creative from the standpoint of high-impact (large, beautiful, pixel-perfect), unlimited concepts and engagement. For example, we offer formats that include integrated forms, carousels, full-bleed video, and much much more. (See the list below of Responsive Ads that have been built to date with our platform)
Given this announcement, we are implementing timely measures to assure you get the best outcome given these updates by Google Chrome.
Here is a snapshot of some of those initiatives:
- Upon Loading, if your ResponsiveAs have Auto-play video and >4MB in size we offer the ability to make those user-initiated play instead.
- If you still desire auto-play, we will offer a “NEW” preview rendition (as part of our video delivery optimization engine) that will auto-crop a preload to 3MB (limit the length not quality e.g. 4 sec) that can loop upfront and if the user engages it will launch the full-large video.
- Automatically handle articles and large assets in carousels based on both user interaction and progressive loading.
These changes are all in effect before any updates by Google, so rest assured.
Any questions please reach out to us directly.
Matthew Snyder
CEO, ResponsiveAds
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