Fully-Fluid™: Fall & Catch Game Full-Page Scroller™

By Elisa Rivero

Ad of the week for March 08, 2023:

Keep your readers hooked and entertained with the new and exciting Fall & Catch Game Full-Page Scroller™ design produced for National Chocolate Cake Day.

The Full-Page Scroller™ is a full-screen full-bleed fluid format that can be deployed both portrait or landscape on any device. Great for mimicking a brand voice for digital, it will catch users in the scroll journey and trigger them to read further without blocking. Fully responsive (infinite sized, edge-to-edge across mobile, tablet, desktop and MRAID Apps), this unique game can also be deployed in any large IAB size (970×250 or 300×600) or mobile 320×480/480×320 through all DSP’s  with no loss of quality or user experience.

As a playable ad, it offers the opportunity for 5x the normal dwell and time-spent to engage users for great brand awareness and top-of-the-funnel marketing digital strategies. This template is coming soon to the ResponsiveAds creative marketplace for free and graphic designers with no code can set it up. Catch the eye of your users, and keep them scrolling!

Check out our demo now!

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